Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Paradise Bird

aradise Bird

Majestic burgundy beauty,
Sitting with all your golden finery,
On canopy branch of yellow leaves. 
Maroon, brown chest of pride,
With a golden crown on your head,
Wearing a emerald choker of varnished green.
A proud stare from those gleaming eyes,
Flaming yellow and white long tail ,
Laid out like flaxen soft hair
Over your soft throned bark. 
No less of paradise, no less a creation,
Of an infinite wisdom. 

Subrata Saha ( Copyright March 2017)

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Poems To Mother Earth By Subrata Saha. New free e-book with Smashwords
I have just published my first free e-poetry book Poems To Mother Earth. Its available at Smashwords and can be downloaded to an epub reader. Epub apps can be downloaded on any phone app or computer app. I dreamt of publishing a poetry book at the age of 16. I have now, as an e-book. :0). Obviously in 1990, I had no idea about internet or e-books. But I am pleased to have an e-book. It is not a book of profit but of the soul. I will read out at writers speaker events this summer. Now need to finish writing my novel!
I learnt alot about digital publishing and hope to learn more.
I love you Mother Earth. When you called, my soul came. Along with others, I will help you to heal.